CDC study finds schools making little progress in sex education; Tennessee lawmakers warn against gateway "sexual behaviors," and Springfield Massachusetts decides to provide condoms to middle school and high school students.
Concerned citizens of Miami County banded together to find a solution for the all male county commissions decision to strip low income women of that community of their access to low cost contraception. They independently raised $9,000 and presented one oversized check to the Miami County Commission.
The current backlash against women is falling under the creative new smokescreen of "religious liberty." Religious arguments against contraception have been used for 50 years, but women, public health officials, and legislators generally favored common sense and personal religious freedeom over ideology from an earlier century. In this election year, however, common sense seems a distant memory.
The language in a new abstinence-only bill that passed the Tennessee senate demonstrates the profound misunderstanding of sexual realities that guides the anti-choice movement.
Rewire conducted a Q & A with former Michigan Governor and host of Current TV's 'The War Room' Jennifer Granholm on how Republicans want to treat women like children and why women should be leading this country.