A lawyer from the Center for Reproductive Rights fills us in on what's going on with the last clinic in Mississippi. A new HIV prevention drug has limited uses and pregnancy testing in bars is a really bad idea.
The head of Exodus International, an umbrella group for ex-gay ministries around the world, recently said that conversion therapy does not work and that there is, in fact, no "cure" for homosexuality. While this seems like a step in the right direction, the organization still says that any sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage is wrong. So, now what?
We will only be able to get people into treatment early, and retain them in treatment, if we finally move from rhetoric to real action on HIV and human rights.
No Global Fund, no international forums will be able to save us from our own trouble until we, ourselves, get to work, until we start to mobilize, until we take our destiny into our hands.
A rights-based perspective for the global AIDS response requires addressing the comprehensive needs of women and girls, including those seen in areas that do not “conform” to the focus on motherhood and marriage.
The AIDS response is not just about an epidemic; the AIDS response is, has been, and must be, an instrument to fight for social justice. It requires us to confront and overcome the inequalities that wrongly separate people into “deserving” and “undeserving”.
We need to recognise that this Family Planning Summit is just a first step, and that it is crucial that we use the energy of the summit to drive us forward. We have to maintain momentum, and we have to do that by moving fast.
New research suggests that seeing sex in movies early is a predictor of early sexual debut and riskier sexual behavior among teens. The authors suggest that we should limit young people's viewing of sex in movies. Maybe, but I for one have a hard time believing that simply keeping them out of the theaters is the answers.