Touching thighs is, according to Ohio lawmakers, a gateway to other sexual activity and they would like to see anyone who teaches about it in school subject to a $5,000 fine.
Despite the most aggressive push yet, anti-choice legislators failed in their attempt to force poor women to give birth by cutting off abortion funding. Why? Because they hate birth control.
Whether it's the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell or the birth control benefit, the radical right wing has shown it has no problems manipulating the law to push its agenda.
On this episode of Reality Cast, I’ll be talking to Melanie Tannebaum about benevolent sexism: what it is and why it’s harmful. Boston College is trying to stop students from giving free condoms to each other and a federal judge has ordered the HHS to approve over-the-counter sales of Plan B without restrictions.
Today, in post-conflict Guatemala, there is a war against women. At least two women die daily as a result of femicide, and the crime often includes torture and rape.
When discussing STDs, it's important to take a proactive approach, because early conversations help shape healthy attitudes and knowledge about STDs and sexual health. That’s especially true for youth.
Unlike in recent years, when the thrust of legislative activity was on regulating abortion, this year legislators seem to be focusing on banning abortion outright.
One bill would remove language connecting breast cancer to abortion in the state-issued pre-abortion booklet. The other would ban abortions performed after 20 weeks post-fertilization.