Today, in post-conflict Guatemala, there is a war against women. At least two women die daily as a result of femicide, and the crime often includes torture and rape.
When discussing STDs, it's important to take a proactive approach, because early conversations help shape healthy attitudes and knowledge about STDs and sexual health. That’s especially true for youth.
Unlike in recent years, when the thrust of legislative activity was on regulating abortion, this year legislators seem to be focusing on banning abortion outright.
One bill would remove language connecting breast cancer to abortion in the state-issued pre-abortion booklet. The other would ban abortions performed after 20 weeks post-fertilization.
In a strange turn of events and circumstance—being pregnant at 15—I found I suddenly had my life in my own hands. Finally people wanted to know what I wanted. Four days before my sixteenth birthday I became a teen mom, by my own choice.
Bottom line: If you're a religious individual, and you decide to enter the marketplace, and you hire people of all faiths, then you have to leave your religious baggage behind and follow the same rules that apply to everyone else.
The Ohio GOP has proposed a budget that would reject covering more low-income citizens under Medicaid, refuse funding to Planned Parenthood, and give more money to CPCs. What about caring for the poor?