Reproductive rights advocates scored a couple of victories last week while the Supreme Court considers the impact of allowing patents on human genetic material.
Sam Brownback decided to give up the pretense that there’s a secular justification for a massive anti-choice bill passed in Kansas. The AP photographer took a picture of Brownback’s notes, where he wrote “JESUS + Mary” in big letters at the top.
On April 16, 2013 Rewire livetweeted during its call to help journalists and bloggers get a full accurate picture of the Kermit Gosnell trial. Here are the highlights.
As a young person from the same Native American communities as my students, I find it more and more culturally relevant that our younger generation educate each other.
Abstinence-only-until-marriage speaker Pam Stenzel presented her message of shame to the wrong students last week. Many are complaining that her speech was "slut-shaming" and at least one is filing a complaint with the ACLU.
At a campus forum on women and sustainable development issues in the Texas Bible Belt and the Women in the World summit in New York, I saw that "women’s rights are the biggest unfinished agenda of 21st century."