In his new HBO special, comedian Louis C.K. notes that men are "the worst thing that ever happens to" women. The bit is funny, but it's also tragically on point.
The Obama administration's newest plan to make emergency contraception over-the-counter to some groups and not others only creates more confusion and a new set of barriers to access. I guess this administration would rather play Russian Roulette with teen pregnancy than make it easier to prevent.
When our clients are vulnerable and coping with the range of emotions that accompany news of their infection, DIS offer confidence, understanding, trust, and assurance. They are the humanity of STD awareness.
As STD clinics, I believe we should take President Obama’s words to heart when we consider our leadership role in STD prevention: “We are the change we have been waiting for.”
The never-ending stream of legal challenges to the birth control benefit shows how focused the extreme right is on making safe, affordable health care an impossibility in this country.
Teen mothers are far from a random swath of the teen population who wind up in poverty because of a few particularly fast swimming sperm. Rather, they are likely to be in poverty already.
EPT simplifies the process of receiving treatment for STDs by enabling health-care professionals to provide patients with either antibiotics or prescriptions to their sexual partner(s) without a visit by the partner(s) to a health-care center.