Though only half of teen girls have gotten one dose of the vaccine and fewer than a third have gotten the recommended three doses, new research has found that the proportion of teen girls infected with the strains of HPV that the vaccine addresses has dropped by 56 percent.
Planned Parenthood's lawsuit contends that a Kansas law requiring doctors to inform people seeking abortions that they’re ending the life of a ‘‘whole, separate, unique, living human being’’ is unconstitutional.
I never quite understand how to answer that question. My immediate response is usually, "Sex—unprotected sex, to be exact." However, the real answer is far more complex, and some individuals may see my reasons as "excuses" so I usually don't bother to explain it. But I will now.
One of the organizations responsible for promoting the slogan "pray away the gay" and the practice of reparative therapy is closing its doors, and its leader has apologized to the LGBTQ community.
I have been asked to suggest how we constructively engage women in Maternal Newborn and Child Health issues as "more than patients," so I have come up with six suggested steps that we might all take together to achieve success.