The anti-choice maneuvers we've seen in Texas and elsewhere recently are the progeny of the Global Gag Rule, which has resulted in major losses of critical reproductive health services around the world. An act introduced in the House Thursday would permanently repeal the Gag Rule.
A presentation in Tennessee made headlines after a student recorded the inaccurate, misleading, and extremely biased information presented in his high school class. Here's what was said, and what's wrong with the presentation.
Last Thursday, a panel of judges for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld the dismissal of Liberty University's challenge to health-care reform, but that won't stop conservative attacks against the law.
A clinical trial found that two new combinations of existing drugs can cure gonorrhea, but is this enough to combat the possibility of an outbreak of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea?
Antiquated ideas about women's sexuality are extremely damaging. But it is even more damaging to act as if sexual assault and rape are the price women pay for independence and sexual freedom.
With several abortion restrictions on hold, anti-choice activists are using their down time to prepare for a new push to grant legal rights to fertilized eggs via a "personhood" measure.