After I terminated my pregnancy, my libido was nonexistent. But no one seemed to be comfortable talking about how, even if you are pro-choice, your healing journey can include moments that feel less than empowering.
Should we be thrilled that conservatives are embracing over-the-counter access for birth control? When something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Ovaprene would be the first barrier method contraceptive to come on the market since the redesigned "female" condom, now called the internal condom, was released in 2006.
Advocates have feared that a Democratic administration couldn't fully rid the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of those committed to undermining the agency's mission.
Pete Buttigieg should support the most vulnerable among us—people of color, homeless youth, the uninsured, the poor—and not cower to those who see this as radical.