AB 252 would require fetal remains to be handled through "burial, interment, entombment, cremation, incineration, or delivery to a medical or dental school anatomy department as an anatomical gift." But the bill's sponsor says telling patients about this process would place an "undue burden" on them.
After Trent Franks flubbed his lines, Marsha Blackburn was brought in to manage passage of the bill, which was designed as a challenge to Roe. The floor debate included one Republican's interpretation of a fetus' hand movements as "Be patient; I’ll be out soon."
Citing the Gosnell case and a lawsuit over an incomplete abortion performed in 2012, the state attorney general has sent inquiries to the state's two abortion clinics asking for a wide range of information about how they operate.
The hands of the male fetus may sometimes appear to be gripping its genitals. And that, says Rep. Michael Burgess, is why abortion should be banned even earlier in pregnancy than the GOP is seeking in a bill on its way to the floor.
Rather than examining why its policies are so deeply problematic and disliked, the GOP instead tries to paint over them by selecting radicals who "look like" the people whose rights they are determined to gut.
On this episode of Reality Cast, a representative from the Center for Reproductive Rights will be on to explain the new Plan B rules. I have another segment covering the victory, and the military is being investigated for its rape problem.
On day two of the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference, evangelical leaders clashed on abortion and economic policy. But opposing abortion was deemed a winning issue by movement elders like Phyllis Schlafly and young activists alike.
Trent Franks' federal 20-week abortion ban is a dangerous piece of legislation, based on false and completely disproven assertions about "evidence" of fetal pain. Yet many media outlets are assisting in perpetuating these lies.
The GOP bill would ban all abortions after 20 weeks, irrespective of the circumstances faced by women and their families, and removing medical decisions from the hands of women and their doctors.