Rona Taylor talks about HIV in NYC women. Men debate how many rights they'll let women have, and Fox News lies about the HHS regulations on contraception.
The Guttmacher's Rachel Gold on improving family planning access in the U.S. Also, when is porn addiction addiction, and how bad is sex education in Texas?
A San Antonio doctor explains why she denies birth control to single women. Also, fighting against maternal mortality, and how our sex lives are affected by the recession.
Samhita Mukhopadhyay on combating online sexism, abstinence-only gets meaner and more bizarre, and conservative wind up to battle improved health care access.
Masturbation is good for you, but romantic comedies not so much. Also, an interview with Helena Silverstein about how the judicial system fails teenage girls seeking abortion.
Sloane Rosenthal on why family planning is economic stimulus. Also, a review of "Revolutionary Road" and a review of the Haggards' tour of the talk show circuit.
Pundits wrongly think contraception is controversial, and VH1 wrongly thinks emotional abuse is entertainment. Also, an interview with blogger Figleaf.
People with health insurance are forgoing expensive care, wannabe hipsters fundies in Seattle, and why you should check out the new youth-oriented blog Amplify.