Reality Cast

Inside The World Of Crisis Pregnancy Centers

What goes on in crisis pregnancy centers? An investigative reporter tells us the scoop. Also, high HPV rates are discovered in men, and Mike Huckabee tries and fails to judge Natalie Portman.

The Anti-Choice Full Court Press

Sarah Jaffe tells the harrowing tale behind the anti-choice Democrats in Congress. Right wing media has been coming down hard on reproductive rights: a two-part report.

The Battle for Planned Parenthood

A Chicago hospital claims that they're stopping abortions for women, but what are the facts behind the story? Also, the battle for the continuing existence of Planned Parenthood, in two segments.

The War On Women Continues

The House moves to defund family planning, and Jessica Arons of the Center for American Progress is here to report. Also, anti-choicers overplay their hand with Lila Rose and terrorism makes a move to the mainstream

Health Care Unreplaced and Abortion Opening Up

"Repeal and replace" looking more like no-repeal, no-replace. Bill O'Reilly loses his mind over the idea that women can talk openly about abortion, and the Guttmacher has new statistics on abortion in America.

Anti-Choice Post-Violence Tactics Go Mainstream

A shooting in Arizona causes the right wing in general to borrow pages from the anti-choice handbook of deflection and evasion. Also, Danielle Macguire talks about sexual violence and the civil rights movement.