Young adults ages 18 to 29 have long been disproportionately uninsured--and for longer period of time--when compared to those in other age groups. Health reform is helping change that.
Formaldehyde used in a Brazilian Blowout hair treatment is a known carcinogen, and studies have linked it to miscarriage, stillbirth, menstrual disorders, and female infertility.
Meet Jerry Costello. He loves fetuses! More than women, apparently, since he's a cosponsor of both the formerly-rape-redefining H.R. 3 and the currently let-women-die H.R. 358.
Meet Daniel Lipinski! He represents the 3rd Congressional district in Illinois, and has since 2005. He was preceded in that seat by...Bill Lipinski. Yes, that's his dad. Yay, nepotism!
Women of color are fighting a race- and gender-baiting campaign that attempts to drive a racial wedge in the pro-choice movement and a gender wedge in communities of color.
Ross voted against healthcare reform, voted to repeal healthcare reform, and with his vote to defund Planned Parenthood, has made his standing on health care pretty clear.
Rep. Jim McDermott, Democrat from Seattle, WA, shares his frustration with the anti-choice, anti-woman rash of "radical extremism" reflected in a host of House bills and proposals.
After years of wandering in the desert, trying to figure out why Republicans are and have been so hell-bent on controlling our bodies, it suddenly dawned on me. John Boehner and the House GOP want to be your pimp.