Lawmakers agree that sexting shouldn't be handled by existing child pornography laws yet in their rush to change the rules, the possiblity of criminal prosecution remains.
Michelle Bruns makes fun of the inevitable giant preggobelly used to illustrate stories on abortion. The right makes its rhetorical move on sexual health services, both by lying about them and denying that there's any real need.
DC Abortion Fund helps women whose Medicaid-funding for abortion was pulled at the last minute; Florida senate wants to subject Medicaid funding for contraception to religious refusals; and Sen. Manchin thinks showing that no Title X money is spent on abortion will solve something.
A report released by the Guttmacher Institute yesterday shows that while religious affiliation may play some role in decisions regarding sexual behavior, it has little to do with whether women (married and unmarried) use contraception.
Something I’ve been noticing lately since I upped my volume of Facebook postings on the issues of Planned Parenthood and preventative care is the number of my MALE friends who are displaying angry knee-jerk reactions to it.