Oklahoma and Texas want to restrict use of medical abortion despite recommendations from medical groups; Florida votes on pile of anti-abortion bills today; MariaTalks.com controversy continues in Massachusetts; and Texas tries to repeal transgender marriage.
A recent study on LGBT healthcare in Wisconsin underscores the importance of passing a proposed law in California to improve the health of its LGBT residents. In doing so, California can teach Wisconsin a thing or two.
What does it mean to be "pro-choice"? "Pro-choice" is a political worldview in which women are equal actors and full participants in society and every born child is a wanted, loved, cared-for child.
The new film Let's Talk About Sex was created with the intention of sparking public dialogue about and family communication on teen sex and sexuality issues. Here's my take on whether the film is giving the right message to the right audiences.
Rhode Island's legislative agenda on abortion; Louisiana state rep introduces abortion ban; and Rwanda unveils national campaign to address cervical cancer.
As an African-American female who has worked in public health for 20 years I am a little exhausted of the slow progress that the United States has made concerning health equity for minority populations.
My generation of feminists took abortion from the back alleys and made it legal for women; today’s generation of feminists will make it affordable, accessible and viable for <strong>all</strong> women – not just the privileged or the comfortably employed middle-classed, or those with supportive families, friends, or partners who support their right to have an option or make a decision to have an abortion. To my fellow pre-Roe feminists, let’s pass the torch without fear or apprehension!
Senator Kyl removes his "not intended to be factual" statement about Planned Parenthood from the Congressional Record; Minnesota state representative finds United Church of Christ minister and ACLU "disgusting;" and an anti-choice group demands that a state-funded teen sexual health site be shut down.