Statistics show that 1 in 3 teens will experience dating violence and more than two-thirds never come forward and tell anyone. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), teen dating violence is a serious public health problem that is growing in the United States.
"Pro-family" group, Focus on the Family is shifting away from opposing same-sex marriage and instead focusing on making it more difficult to obtain a divorce. Does anyone else think this is scary? ...
I’m not the feminist savior of Texas, but if I don’t leave, and if my feminist friends don’t leave, maybe we can bring more people to our side. Maybe if we don't leave, we can change the conversation instead of scoffing and tsking from outside while anti-feminist, anti-woman laws and social practices leave a legacy of lasting, visceral harm on real, live Texans.
I'm appalled by a heinously reported piece in the New York Post that uses HIV as a salacious hook to a story that is not--and should not--be about HIV.
As a member of the clergy, I provide many hours of pastoral care to women and families in the congregations and communities where I minister. The clergy experience confirms that these women come to their decisions with a sense of responsibility for themselves, their families, their other children, and their goals in life.
My dear politicians: I will not ask you to give me my rights. I already have my rights. I know my rights. You do not tell me what they are. I tell YOU. You will NOT deny me or my sisters the right to a medical procedure.
The FACE Act exists simply to keep anti-choice extremists from using violence or other terrorist tactics against abortion clinics and patients. Anyone "pro-life" should oppose terrorism, so why are anti-choicers fighting FACE instead?