By voting to reduce funding for international reproductive health and family planning activities, eliminate funding for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), and reinstate the Global Gag Rule, the House threatens to turn back the clock on women’s health and has taken its disturbing war on women to a global stage.
Representative John Wu (D-OR) announced today that he will resign from the U.S. House of Representatives amid allegations of nonconsensual sex with a recent high school graduate.
Even after the Silsby affair, when ten American missionaries were arrested in Haiti for attempted child theft, the Christian adoption movement is unchastened.
If you had any lingering hope that the Institute of Medicine could recommend including contraception in the list of preventive services that should be offered without co-pay and not have a hysterical reaction from anti-choicers, I’m afraid I’ll have to dash those hopes.
Just weeks after publication of a major report underscoring the benefits of robust U.S. investment in family planning worldwide, the GOP-controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee voted in the early hours of the morning today to reinstate the Global Gag Rule with broader and more damaging implications than ever before.
The Defense of Marriage Act denies a host federal benefits to those gay and lesbian couples who have legally married in DC and the six states that recognize same-sex marriage. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on a repeal of that discriminatory law.