
HHS Cowardice and USCCB Overreach

Kathleen Sebelius caves to anti-choicers on emergency contraception, and the USCCB looks to further restrict women's access to contraception. Jean Baker describes the long and wild career of Margaret Sanger.

Rounding Up The Pro-Choice Troops: When We Started Fighting Back

In 1989, the historic bifurcation between abortion providers and political activists had finally begun to dissolve, and a powerful new alliance was beginning to form. Providers were now at the forefront of the abortion rights struggle, and patients themselves, in the midst of the most personal and intimate of decisions and life events, were thrust into a vortex of politics and passion. This is one story from that time.

A Young Doctor’s Response to President Obama’s Plan B Failure: Where Is the Scientific Integrity?

Experts, who we count on for guidance and sound evidence-based medicine, have repeatedly shown Plan B to be not only extremely effective, but incredibly safe. Although the experts in the FDA agreed with the well-researched and well-presented data on Plan B, Secretary Sebelius and President Obama chose to ignore their expertise and base their decision on politics, not science.

After the EC Decision, A Lifelong, Third Generation Democrat Wonders Where She Belongs

Today’s news about our own Kathleen Sebelius’ overruling the FDA on EC for youth in need of pregnancy prevention is cause for a second continuous day for disappointment.  This act serves as one more nail in the women’s rights coffin… jointly constructed by the Republican AND Democratic Party.  As a lifelong, 3rd generation Democrat, I feel like a red-headed stepchild born of two blond parents, slightly out of place and wondering to whom I really belong.