Dr. Susan Wood discusses the recent misuse of science and data as part of the decision by the Secretary of HHS to overrule the scientific determination by the FDA Commissioner on bringing Plan B fully over the counter.
"As doctors, we prescribe and recommend Plan B to adolescents and adults, knowing it is safer than Tylenol and many other products sold on drugstores' open shelves."
By almost any measure, issues related to reproductive health and rights at the state level received unprecedented attention in 2011. And virtually none of it was good.
Abstinence-only programs, with their emphasis on purity, marriage, and heterosexuality, create hostile environments that perpetuate the growth of rule-enforcing bullies, one slut-shaming, homophobic class at a time.
The burning of an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida on New Year's Day is an act of violence against women and a call to action. It's time to stand up.
Kansas NOW's state director and special to Rewire Kari Ann Rinker testifies before a committee of Kansas state representatives. She asks exactly how the legislature's obsession with restricting women's rights will lead to more jobs, and reminds Rep. Pete DeGraaf that you can't "prepare for rape" like you would a spare tire.
Kansas NOW's state director and special to Rewire Kari Ann Rinker testifies before a committee of Kansas state representatives. She asks exactly how the legislature's obsession with restricting women's rights will lead to more jobs, and reminds Rep. Pete DeGraaf that you can't "prepare for rape" like you would a spare tire.