Pictures worth 10,000 words... Virginia sends in riot police to arrest peaceful protestors supporting women's rights. Apparently, they can occupy your uterus, but you can't occupy your state capitol.
Rush Limbaugh "apologizes" for his tirades against Sandra Fluke by suggesting that the only real problem is that he didn't use better euphemisms when accusing 99 percent of American women of being sexually deviant because they use contraception.
The point is that the perfection those suffering from eating disorders are longing for in themselves in most cases is neither physical nor real. We will need to overcome our societal inability to see errors for what they are—an opportunity to learn—if we want to deal with eating disorders.
Young adults (18 to 29) in Colorado are the target of a new website designed to provide information on contraception and STD prevention, help them locate resources in their area, and get them talking about sexual health.