"I came to tell the truth. All I want is for justice to be done," Gabriela Chacón said just moments before Luis Enrique Sossa Maltés was sentenced to four and a half years in prison. A few months prior to that victorious day, Luis sexually abused the 25-year-old woman on the street of San Jose, Chile. Unlike most men who harass women in public, Maltés was held accountable for his actions.
The past few months the GOP has waged a war on women that places them firmly in bed with religious lobbyists, treating women like they are subhuman all in the name of patriarchal religion.
Protests have erupted in Morocco following the tragic death of 16-year-old Amina Filali, who was forced to marry her rapist and later committed suicide. Women's rights groups have tried unsuccessfully for years to protect victims of physical and sexual violence. They're hoping Amina's death won't be in vain.
The pro-corporate personhood movement and the anti-woman, anti-choice movement share the same attorney: conservative campaign-finance crusader and abortion-rights foe James Bopp Jr., the legal architect behind Citizens United.
It is increasingly clear that the women of Pennsylvania cannot trust Senator Casey to protect their health and defend their rights. Casey’s vote on the Blunt Amendment made it clear that he supports the religious and moral beliefs of employers above comparable rights and beliefs of women. No explanation can mitigate this fundamental fact.
Today, the accreditation of KU Med School continues to hang in the balance at the hands of people who are supposedly advocating for the health of women and babies, yet somehow fail to see the disconnect in their mission that occurs as the result of a lack of trained ob-gyns within their state.