The mothers whose lives are not being reflected on greeting cards are in need of something that can’t be delivered, worn, or eaten. They need policies that accurately reflect the reality of their daily lives.
The likely Republican nominee will be attending a fundraiser sponsored by the head of the pharmaceutical company that manufactures emergency contraception.
Being a queer mama of color, in all of the ways that we are queer mamas of color, means that we have to talk about race, immigration, disability, class, gender, gender identity, and sexuality. We have to name these things because they shape how, where, when, and why we parent.
This Mama’s Day, I encourage all women to stand up and say, "Mamahood by Choice!" Becoming a mama should always be a decision that a woman makes with her partner—and not because she doesn’t have access to family planning.
A new show on Lifetime ask couples facing marital problems to commit to sex every night for a week. Can this kind of sex experiment save a marriage? And is reality television the right place for this kind of public sex therapy? A sex therapist evaluates the show.