Weekly global roundup: United Nations report on global maternal health yields mixed results; South Asian teen girls still marrying at high rates; Zambia sees conflict over various articles on reproductive rights in new constitution draft; Indonesia continues to struggle with reproductive and sexual health as they face growing rates of HIV infection.
In a country where anti-choice protestors are given free rein to harass and threaten women and doctors and parade gruesome doctored photos in every public square, a woman is asked to leave a plane because of a political pro-choice t-shirt.
Last week, the House Appropriations Committee proposed to cut funding for international family planning programs and impose harmful restrictions on women’s access to essential health care — including the global gag rule and prohibiting U.S. contributions to UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.
Bei Bei Shuai was released on bail today after more than a year in an Indianapolis jail for being so depressed during pregnancy that she attempted suicide. She survived the suicide attempt but lost her baby — and her ordeal is not over yet.
This week, several video-sharing websites were blocked by the two main internet service providers in India in response to a court order related to movie piracy. These developments are worrying.