In 1992, women’s human rights advocates played a critical role in shaping Agenda 21, ensuring that “three pillars” of sustainable development (social, environmental and economic) remained central to the sustainable development agenda, and that women remained central to all three pillars. Today, conservative forces are fighting to return to the past.
The main portion of Michigan's anti-abortion "super-bill"--HB 5711--passed through the state House easily on Wednesday, by a vote of 70-39. All of the 64 Republican representatives, as well as 6 Democrats, voted in favor of the bill.
Unhappy with the "lack of decorum" the women of the Michigan House showed by opposing their anti-abortion "super-bill," leaders are now punishing them for speaking out.
Last night, the voters of North Dakota decisively defeated a ballot initiative that one news outlet called an "ecclesiastical mugging." By a margin of 64 percent to 36 percent, voters said "no" to an effort to impose religious doctrine on health care, social policy, and law in the state.
In the midst of an economic crisis worsened by its "pro-life" Governor's own policies, Kansas may be getting a great-big Liberace-esque multi-million dollar “pro-life memorial.” A group led by Wichita anti-choice terrorist leaders, Mark Rotola and Mark Holick, has embarked upon what they are calling an “ambitious project,” but would more aptly be dubbed a monument of their perceived victory by assassination.