What we know, and what the bishops missed, is that religious freedom deserves more than a fortnight—and it’s about protecting more than the interests of a small group of men whose demands don’t reflect the needs and desires of the people they claim to represent.
An update on our story earlier today: New York State Senator Golden has cancelled his class to teach us gals how to get jobs. (Yes, I know, please contain your disappointment and act like a lady.) But now it turns out that the taxpayer funded event was being used to pay for a catering hall owned by Golden's family.
I would say this is "in the category of... you can't believe it," but these days there is nothing about today's GOP I can't believe anymore. An anti-gay New York GOP legislator has decided that women are not acting "feminine enough," so... he will teach us how to be feminine.
This year’s New York State legislative session has ended, and by failing to vote on and pass the “no condoms as evidence of prostitution” bill, lawmakers missed an opportunity to be national and global leaders in ensuring that counterproductive policing and prosecuting practice does not compromise disease prevention and public health.
Newly released documents show Texas Health and Human Services Commissioner Tom Seuhs instructed his staff to try to create new abortion reporting requirements that would please one anti-choice legislator--and also "not be offensive to women."
We are witnessing the rebirth of Christian religious fundamentalism in America, and the “Fortnight for Freedom” is a manifestation of the intolerance and repressiveness that grow out of such extremist movements.