Texas lawmakers are spending warm Texas weekends deciding whether autistic kids or poor women deserve more resources, while they pay crisis pregnancy counselors more than registered nurses.
Acts of self-immolation have been used as a tool for political protests around the world. In Saigon, a Buddhist monk set himself on fire to protest his government’s intolerance of Buddhism. In Tunisia, a young man also used self-immolation in protest which jump started the 2010-2011 revolution in this region. What would drive a 10 year old girl to set herself on fire in Afghanistan?
A recent New York Times story relies on anecdote and innuendo to focus attention on pregnant drug users rather than actual facts or the real economic and ethical issues that need to be addressed.
Dear Mr. Beck: I understand it is your contention that "only hookers go to Planned Parenthood." There must be a lot of hookers out here. I am one of them.
FDA rejects age extension on Gardasil; DC no longer permitted to make own abortion decisions; medical records of family planning patients stolen; adoption law struck down in Arkansas; and ScarJo stands with Planned Parenthood.
Miracles are not free. They cost eight cents a day, the average cost to each American citizen for the UScontribution to saving lives among the world’s poorest, about one-fifth of one percent of the US government budget. Some people say eight cents is too much.
Initiatives in Bolivia are using new approaches to increasing access to high quality sexual and reproductive health services for all women in multi-cultural settings.
Colombia's maternal mortality rate has decreased in recent years, due largely to increased prenatal care. But the country still needs to increase the number of births attended by skilled personnel.