Could a miniature ultrasound machine that sends images via cellphone improve maternal health outcomes? Also, Nevada passes anti-discrimination bills and Florida passes slate of anti-abortion bills.
A high school English teacher in Snyder County, PA writes werewolf erotica on the side and some parents think this makes her unfit to teach teenagers. Are we really that scared of sex?
Any cut to Medicaid is a threat to reproductive healthcare. During this political War on Women, it is not unreasonable to assume that the first thing on the chopping block will be reproductive health services and women’s health care.
More women have taken emergency contraception now that it is available over the counter; White House to hold first-ever transgender issue meeting; and maternal mortality for African-American women in California skyrockets.
Currently women account for 46.8% of total U.S. labor force and it is projected to increase over the years. The current work place operates in a man oriented way undermining the fact that there are more women in the work place than before the 1970s. Policies as well as employers need to change to reflect the change in workforce.
The new film Let's Talk About Sex was created with the intention of sparking public dialogue about and family communication on teen sex and sexuality issues. Here's my take on whether the film is giving the right message to the right audiences.
As an African-American female who has worked in public health for 20 years I am a little exhausted of the slow progress that the United States has made concerning health equity for minority populations.