The Rewire family is delighted to share the news that New Media Director Brady Swenson and his wife Alicia welcomed their new daughter into the world at 9:21 in the morning on June 20th, 2011.
The infant daughter of a 37-year-old rape and torture victim living under asylum in the United Kingdom is taken from her. Why? She was deemed unstable because she was grieving the death of her 15-year-old son.
Remember that rally for women’s health in Foley Square where thousands turned out to hear Congressman Anthony Weiner, Kathleen Hanna, Jasmine Burnett, Cecile Richards, and countless other champions for reproductive rights? Well, a lot has changed since then, and I’m not talking about Weinergate.
It is time for the law to ensure that abortion providers don’t have to put their lives on the line to defend women’s rights to health, equality and reproductive autonomy.
A British Columbia judge has ruled that anonymity for gamete donors in the Canadian province is unconstitutional and that the law is discriminatory because it does not give donor children the ability to identify their biological parents.
Depending on your view, the answer to that question might seem really obvious or very tricky and hazy. However, it's a phrase and concept that's bandied about a lot, yet is rarely explained. A group of Australian researchers finally defined it clearly and holistically.
United States investments in maternal, reproductive and sexual health programs have been a tremendous success but challenges remain, which the sexual and reproductive health community must help overcome.
The budget proposal put forth by Paul Ryan is a vicious and cruel all-out attack on everyone under the age of 55, but the cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that the Ryan plan propose would be felt in a particularly acute way by women.