Should young women who aren’t ready to have children have their eggs extracted and frozen as an “insurance policy” for future motherhood? Several recent media features seem to be promoting egg freezing, with little or no mention of the risks involved for women who undergo egg retrieval procedures or for the children that might be born as a result.
This year marked the first time in history that the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women did not produced Agreed Conclusions. The most contentious issues, not surprisingly, were related to women’s access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care.
Representative Pete “Spare Tire” DeGraaf (R) was at it again in the Kansas House this week, speaking against an amendment that would have provided the women of Kansas outstanding child support.
El Salvador today is not a good place to be a woman. In 1998, the government passed a new Penal Code creating a complete ban on abortion. No exceptions. And now with the pregnancy police combing hospitals, even women with miscarriages are going to jail.
Weekly global roundup: abortion after rape now legal in Argentina; American preacher with ties to Uganda homophobia is called out; Myanmar's military accused of mass rape; female friendships persist across the West Bank barrier; Tanzania's First Lady speaks out on maternal deaths.
This so-called positive assembly's messages were anti-abortion, anti-woman, pro-slavery, anti-gay and anti-tolerance, if the message was delivered in the name of G-d and with a smile, does that make it 'positive'?
The pro-corporate personhood movement and the anti-woman, anti-choice movement share the same attorney: conservative campaign-finance crusader and abortion-rights foe James Bopp Jr., the legal architect behind Citizens United.
A Reuters article now provides proof of what I have suspected for some time: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops was involved in the whole Komen fiasco, on one hand forcing boycotts of Komen until it dropped Planned Parenthood and on the other taking millions of dollars in money from Komen.