The same Governor who signed the “fetal pain” bill will be using the same pen to veto the legislation reversing the policy whose effects will hurt wanted, pain capable infants. The mothers of these wanted infants will experience their baby’s deaths prior to their first birthdays, as American infants residing on American soil.
Weekly global roundup: Burmese democracy activist wins historic Parliament seat; the UN investigates honor killings in India; Open source rape tracking in Syria; and female condoms make a comeback in Nigeria.
As we hold our breath to see how the Court will decide the fate of the ACA, now is a good time to remind ourselves of the importance of health care reform for women living with HIV and affected by HIV.
I want to open this STD Awareness Blog series with a STD complication success story: fighting cervical cancer. Because here’s the thing: cervical cancer is almost completely preventable. This means that, given consistent and correct care, you will likely never been one of those 4,000 women who die of this preventable and treatable disease.
With all the negative attention given to anti-choice legislation passed in Wisconsin recently and Senators saying silly things, it’s easy to look over the fact that Wisconsin is actually winning when it comes to innovation in contraceptive service delivery.
It is incredibly frustrating that the very women the federal Medicaid law is intended to protect are the ones who are hurt the most, but those sanctions are the only tool HHS has at its disposal to enforce the law.