This unprecedented effort to fund family planning worldwide could be a major milestone in global health, development and women’s rights. But we need to make sure this new funding and political commitment is followed by swift action—and change felt on the ground.
Originally passed in 1994, VAWA has been consistently reauthorized and improved with broad bipartisan support. This year, however, the far right wing in the House is insisting on leaving specific groups of women unprotected. Why?
Offering women contraception without co-pays under the Affordable Care Act isn't just good for them -- it's good for their families, communities and the planet we all share.
Trends connecting income, education spending, and achievement send troubling signals about how economic class affects the educational achievement of children—and what it means for your child's life if you simply can’t afford what the Joneses have.
If we are fighting HIV, we need to join hands no matter whether we are straight, gay, sex workers, whatever…but with no discrimination. This is high time we tell the US government they should respect all human rights – whether you are a sex worker, straight, gay, disabled. We are all equal.
A lawyer from the Center for Reproductive Rights fills us in on what's going on with the last clinic in Mississippi. A new HIV prevention drug has limited uses and pregnancy testing in bars is a really bad idea.
We will only be able to get people into treatment early, and retain them in treatment, if we finally move from rhetoric to real action on HIV and human rights.
Being one of many stories of force, fraud, and coercion, Loyda’s case is particularly compelling because all of the steps in the legal system have been followed. Still, there has been no justice.