
Hyperemesis is Serious Business, Whether You’re a Princess or a Pauper

Hyperemesis is no stroll in the palace park. Kate may be a princess, but she is also human. Women of every race, class, and income level face risks in pregnancy and put their bodies on the line every time they get pregnant. The only differences between the princess and the pauper are that one has proper food, nutrition, and care and the other has none.

Pregnant with an IUD: The Story of My Abortion

I just had the quite bizarre experience of getting pregnant. Bizarre because for the last two and a half years, I've had the Paraguard IUD - as effective as tying your tubes, they tell me. Then one day my period doesn't come. My breasts are swollen, my back aches, and I have the crazy thought that this feels like pregnancy. And, it is.