It is hard to believe that the U. S House of Representatives actually voted to cut off Planned Parenthood altogether. These political attacks get plenty of attention. Meanwhile, in contrast, the Presbyterian Church I am blessed to serve wants to be sure that a woman’s health center, like Planned Parenthood, has a home.
An Arizona group seeking to establish legal personhood for fertilized eggs and embryos is proposing a new way for the state to keep tabs on the personal reproductive decisions of its citizens: Embryo tracking.
In his State of the State speech in January, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made passing the Women's Equality Act a centerpiece of his agenda for this year, including legislation protecting women's rights to safe abortion care. But his political allegiances make the fate of the bill unclear. Does he really support it, or is he trying to play both ends?
U.S. District Judge Neil Wake gave women's health advocates a significant victory in the fight over family planning funding, overturning a 2012 Arizona law that targets Planned Parenthood.
The Pope's rationale is that his "age means he lacks strength to do job." You could use the exact words to describe the nine-year old girl the Pope excommunicated for having a life-saving abortion after being raped and impregnated, with twins.
Culture is one of the most sensitive aspects of people’s lives, particularly as it relates to sexual and reproductive behavior, attitudes, and norms. Therefore, when we talk about female circumcision (I still cannot call it mutilation), we should always look at this cultural practice as one of many good and bad things that happen to women universally, and not only to African women but women worldwide.
We share an obligation to resist any attempts, political or religious, to restrict or deny access to family planning services. Over 1,000 religious leaders agree, and more are speaking out every day.