A new report issued by the National Women's Law Center and A Better Balance shows that pregnancy discrimination remains a significant drag on the economy.
The hands of the male fetus may sometimes appear to be gripping its genitals. And that, says Rep. Michael Burgess, is why abortion should be banned even earlier in pregnancy than the GOP is seeking in a bill on its way to the floor.
After a legislative session hailed for its supposed "compromise" on abortion, Texas Republicans have taken the first opportunity to force through an omnibus anti-choice bill that contains the worst of this year's proposed abortion restrictions.
Despite what Live Action suggests, not all men are against abortion—many think it is a complicated issue and support their partners in their decision-making.
The Supreme Court decisions on DOMA and Prop 8 are expected to come down this month. We'll soon find out if the Court has chosen to advance the cause of marriage equality, or if it will it leave it for another day.
Beatriz’s struggle to protect her health, live with human dignity, and find justice in a dark time—that struggle is one we cannot forget. The sad reality is, it is also a struggle that is all too common for women across the globe.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati argued that although Christa Dias was hired to teach computer classes and is not Catholic, she was still considered a minister of the Catholic Church and therefore could be fired for not adhering to Catholic teachings about IVF. But Dias won in court.