Despite the fact that New Jersey promotes maternal methadone programs, state officials want to charge women who use methadone while pregnant with child abuse.
The Women’s Med Center in Sharonville, Ohio, was ordered to close by the state health department Friday, a decision that advocates are calling politically motivated and that lawyers for the health center plan to appeal.
Rio Grande Valley residents who seek an abortion now have limited options: drive hundreds of miles; continue their pregnancy; schedule a later, more expensive procedure once they find the means to pay; or attempt to self-induce an abortion using occasionally dangerous and often ineffective means.
Last month's CNN piece on sex trafficking in Cambodia was notable because it represented a common failure of the media to report effectively on issues like trafficking in ways that do not compound the harm to those most affected.
I found out that I was pregnant nearly 40 years after Roe, but my pregnancy and that case are inextricably linked, even though on paper they have nothing in common.
Conservatives have been turning up the volume on the irrational, unevidenced claim that poverty is caused by not being married. In reality, poverty is caused by not having enough money. This should be obvious, but it clearly needs to be said more often.