With Heartbeat International’s uncovered manipulations, the organization is paving the way for the marketing of deceit, threatening access to abortion care around the world.
Black women are two to three times more likely to get fibroids than our white female counterparts. We are also more likely to experience implicit bias and be disempowered by our health-care system.
As somebody who has, for at least a moment, regretted my abortion, I can empathize with the feelings of abortion regret commonly amplified by the anti-choice movement. But what, if anything, do these feelings matter?
Advocates have feared that a Democratic administration couldn't fully rid the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of those committed to undermining the agency's mission.
California programs are doubling down on efforts to eliminate the medical system's structural racism and support the state's Black women and infants, who face abysmal maternal and infant health outcomes.
“Abortion reversal” laws are based on the myth that people who have abortions often regret their decision. New research shows this is overwhelmingly untrue.
Most people who have abortions already have children. For these parents, talking about their abortions with their kids was not only a normal conversation, but a productive one.