Abortion EXCLUSIVE: National Network of Abortion Funds Removes Executive Director Garnet Henderson The tenure of Oriaku Njoku, who led abortion fund network through the first chaotic post-Dobbs years, will end February 6.
Power Will the Supreme Court Help Ban Porn? Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Also, we never want to hear Sam Alito say “porn” ever again.
Power Can the ACA Survive SCOTUS Once Again? Jessica Mason Pieklo A new challenge to HIV drugs at SCOTUS poses an existential threat to preventive care coverage in the ACA.
Power What Will Happen to Trans Health Care Under Trump? Garnet Henderson Health-care providers and patients are bracing for restrictions likely to follow the anti-abortion playbook.
Power John Roberts Stop Complaining Challenge Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Chief Justice John Roberts is now just a reply guy.
Power During the Next Administration, We Save Ourselves Jessica Mason Pieklo Community is the antidote to fascism in the Trump administration.
Sex Legislators Are Targeting Sex Education Post-‘Roe.’ Advocates Say It Will Worsen Children’s Health Outcomes. Surina Venkat Children are receiving sex education at lower rates than 20 years ago—even though it has proven physical and mental health benefits.
Abortion 2024 Was a Crazy Ride—and We’re In For More of a Fight Jessica Mason Pieklo What a year it’s been.
Abortion How to Protect Your Reproductive Health During Trump’s Second Presidency Cameron Oakes Our comprehensive guide for protecting your access to birth control, medication abortion, and emergency contraception before Donald Trump takes office.