More than 200,000 women are serving in the US military—protecting our rights and defending freedom—yet they do not have the freedom to privately pay for an abortion at the military medical facilities where they are required to obtain all their health care.A service woman has to get permission from her commanding officer, wait for an available military transport and head home to the land of the free and home of the brave to have access to a safe and legal abortion.
CDC is a medical body dedicated to “protecting the health and safety of all Americans.”It seems like an obvious corollary then that medical science should be the guiding force in all of its work.If this doesn’t happen, CDC would appear to be derelict in its duty to pursue its mission.So CDC has done the right thing in choosing to investigate the events in which politics firmly vetoed the presentation of medical science at a conference on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), preventing a discussion of documentedfailures in the abstinence-only sex education programs promoted by the Bush Administration.
[img_assist|nid=154|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=68|height=100]With the recent banning of abortion in South Dakota and 11 other states following suit, Focus on the Family seems publicly invigorated by the news, “pro-lifers have good reason to be hopeful.” Privately, Daily Kos reports Dobson is whipping the White House to do more. Quoting Dobson, "There's just very, very little to show for what has happened and I think there's going to be some trouble down the road if they don't get on the ball," referring to the paultry successes the far right has won for its loyalty to the Bush White House.
Recent news that the Vatican might slightly relax its opposition to both condom education and provision as a way of preventing the transmission of HIV and AIDS has been greeted with optimism by the media as well as the international HIV and AIDS community. Of course, those of us old enough to remember the Vatican Commission on Birth Control—which was widely expected to change the church’s position on contraception in 1966—know not to get our hopes up. Then, the vast majority of commission members recommended that the Vatican approve of contraception for married couples and said there was no theological obstacle to a change. Four dissenting members went to the pope and cautioned that any change might erode the overall authority of the church and lead people to believe that other things could change. The pope followed the minority view and ruled in favor of authority over the health and needs of Catholic couples.
What is Lester Crawford hiding? The former FDA commish that specialized in delaying and denying OTC access to Emergency Contraception has refused to be deposed in hearings and says he will invoke 5th Amendment privileges in a law suit relating to the delays. On Friday, Newsday reported that White House appointment calendar logs show a meeting between Jay Lefkowitz while in the Domestic Policy office of the White House, and Mark Mclellan at the FDA " re: Plan B submis. " Attorney's are seeking access to more documents in a case that has already clearly established the Bush Administration's politicization of the FDA delays on Plan B.
Researchers from the FDA, CDC and NIAID gathered in a secure auditorium in Atlanta yesterday to further their scientific understanding of the cause of seven deaths among women, some of which have been linked in the media and by abortion opponents to Mifeprex, the prescribed abortion medicine. While the linkage to hot-button issues like abortion has grabbed headlines, the two bacteria (Clostridium sordellii and Clostidium difficle) have caused infections and deaths in at least 11 other women, twice as many as have died of infection after taking the prescribed abortion medicine.
This just in from Marilyn Keefe from NFPRHA who was our Guest Blogger earlier in the week on HIMMAA:
Minutes ago, the Senate voted to kill the Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act of 2005 (HIMMA, S. 1955), a bill that threatened to weaken key protections for health consumers by preempting state consumer protections, including those guaranteeing coverage of contraception, cancer screening and treatment, and maternity care. The vote was 55-43, 5 less than the 60 required to invoke cloture (which ends debate and allows a vote on the bill). The vote was largely along party lines, with all Democrats voting "NO" except Ben Nelson from Nebraska and Mary Landrieu from Louisiana. Lincoln Chafee from Rhode Island was the sole Republican voting "NO" on cloture.
Divisions in both parties, plummeting polls and the role of reproductive health in America are all in the news, with the biggest story being today’s confab of the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to discuss complications resulting from differing delivery methods of Mifeprex, the prescribed abortion medicine. According to News Medical Net, the “manufacturer Danco has said about 575,000 women have taken it since its approval and there is no evidence linking it to the deaths and has repeatedly said the pill is safe.” Toxic shock, the cause of the women’s death, can occur during pregnancy, after childbirth, miscarriage or termination of a pregnancy. See Fact v. Fiction for more information. Paul Chesser writes for the American Spectator in an anti-sex screed against the recent Guttmacher Institute report Abortion in Women’s Lives and concludes, “There's no reason everybody else should have to pay for the sex poor people want and the pregnancies they don't want.” Check out Reckless Rhetoric for more evidence of “enlightened” thinking like Mr. Chesser’s.
So, umm... I don't really know what to say about this, except that it's a sculpture of Britney Spears. Naked. Holding onto a wolf's head. Crouched on a carpet. As she gives birth. (And apparently, the baby's head is visible on the real sculpture)
In an attempt to get to the bottom of last-minute conference changes, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) demanded an explanation from the Administration today.He states, “In effect, it appears presentations at a public health conference were censored because they criticized abstinence-only education.This attempt at thought control should have no place in our government.”