Golden Oldies Parade of Hits

Hey Daddy-O, tune in to your AM dial for the latest, the greatest, those hits you love from way back when; it's time for the Golden Oldie Parade of Hits, the soothing sound of Beltway summer in even numbered years, mixed in with some the freshest hits of today.

Those hep-kats in the House aren't playing "Guns and Butter" anymore, those were the classics, tunes of a greater generation, the tunes of the Majoritarians now are "Guns and Abortion," an anthem of summer to rally the faithful. But before we play those golden oldies, let me lay on you the tunes you just heard. First, playing louder than its ever been played that old faithful, "Burn Me Once, Shame on You, Burn Me Twice, Shame on Me" rising on the charts this summer to 66 thumbs up.

The UN-friendly Skies

We couldn’t overlook this one – and those living in the Twin Cities won’t be able to either.

Darcy Pohland, from WCCO news, reports “For the past few days, a plane has flown around the Twin Cities pulling a banner with a picture allegedly of an aborted fetus.” A fly-by was reported over the Minneapolis Stone Arch Festival, downtown, and elsewhere.

Literally creating the buzz, is the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. They state, "We readily admit where we display these pictures, born children are upset. It must also be said that where we don't show them, unborn children are killed."

Tapping Your Inner Buffett

You are cordially invited to join the unofficial “Buffett Booster Club” today – and you don’t need billions to leave a mark of your own.

From coast to coast, from the New York Daily News to the San Francisco Chronicle, the media is buzzing with stories about Warren Buffett’s magnanimous donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Mr. Buffett states, "Huge fortunes that flow in large part from society, should, in large part, be returned to society.”

Much like that proverbial shot heard round the world, Buffett’s billion dollar gift will touch the lives of millions of individuals from around the globe. It will be used to enhance and expand the already internationally recognized work of the Gates Foundation including “fighting such diseases as malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis.”

Thank You, Mr. President, Your Crumbs Are Delicious

Well, I for one am breathing a huge sigh of relief that the Bush administration supports the availability of safe and effective products and services to assist responsible adults in making decisions about preventing or delaying conception—even if the Administration’s statement makes something as simple as birth control sound like a weapons-of-mass-destruction-related program activity. I’m not just relieved because, as a responsible adult who is not yet ready to become a mother, I can finally start having sex again. I’m relieved because now it’s official: we are living at a moment in history when the president of the United States will not use the words “contraception” or “birth control” for fear of offending his voting base.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) was quick to ask some important follow-up questions in response to the Administration’s statement. Actually, I have a couple follow-up questions of my own. First, what about the 89 percent of us who believe that information about birth control should be more accessible? Why isn’t anyone afraid of alienating us?

Rush Limbaugh Detained … Not for Abstinence

Rush Limbaugh was detained for nearly four hours for ... get this ... Viagra. Known for his family values positions, this thrice-divorced supporter of abstinence is detained for, Viagra. Among his "35 Undeniable Truths" is, "Abstinence prevents sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy - every time it's tried." Rush Limbaugh also defines himself as ubersexual. Viagra of course is not the first pill popped by this purveyor of ideological rants, he resigned from ESPN after abusing Oxycontin, a drug used by chronic pain sufferers who need it, (a process made more difficult by people who abuse it), and by Rush Limbaugh evidently to maintain his bravado.

From his book See, I Told You So:

A truism I’ve often proclaimed is: “Liberalism poisons the soul.” Originally, it may have sounded harsh to some, trite to others; scintillating to the politically astute. Today, I am convinced it is more on the mark than ever. Here’s what it really means to me: Modern-day liberalism is like a disease or an addiction that literally has the power to destroy the character of the person who falls under its spell.

A Twist on the Adoption Option: Its About Choice

What exactly does it mean to be pro-choice? It’s as simple as respecting the rights of others to choose for themselves what to do when facing an unintended pregnancy. It means supporting women who choose to become a parent, those who choose abortion, and those who choose to give a child up for adoption. Yet, it is that last notion that seems to be causing quite an incredulous buzz.

Calling it “a highly unusual collaboration anywhere in the United States”, the reports of Planned Parenthood of Indiana’s move to share office space with an adoption agency.

New Bill Introduced to Repeal Failing Abstinence-Until-Marriage Earmark

Congress is finally responding to research showing that in a number of African countries, married women are at a higher risk for HIV than their unmarried counterparts. In light of this and other research, the time has come to repeal the abstinence-until-marriage earmark from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Ground-breaking legislation to accomplish this goal was introduced yesterday by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), Congressman Jim Leach (R-IA), Congressman Chris Shays (R-CT), and 54 Democratic Members of the House of Representatives.

The “Protection Against Transmission of HIV for Women and Youth Act of 2006” (H.R.5674) repeals the congressional earmark that requires PEPFAR to allocate 33% of HIV prevention funding for abstinence-until-marriage programs.

More Questions on Contraception, Mr. President.

And while we have a string of posts going on the Bush response on his views on contraception,

What about adolescents?

Then there is the highly misleading claim on the 100% effectiveness of abstinence that the White House likes to tout.

Now that you've joined the conversation Mr. President, we'd like to learn more about your views. We're sure some of your supporters would too.

An Unsettling Answer from the Bush Administration

The Administration’s much-delayed response to a simple query from several Members of Congress is more confusing than clarifying. Led by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Members asked the President, “Do you support the right to use contraception?” Shouldn’t be a tough one to answer.

But it took a year, several requests, and bouncing the request down from the President to the Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS to find out that the Administration “supports the availability of safe and effective products and services to assist responsible adults in making decisions about preventing or delaying conception.”

On first read it might provide some comfort. But take a minute to think about it. Shouldn’t they be supporting products and services to assist ALL people to make RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS, rather than only responsible adults having access? But the next choice of words – selected over a year – is even more concerning. Notice that they don’t actually talk about contraception. And they don’t say products and services to prevent pregnancy – rather it is to delay conception.

But What About the Base, Mr. President? Maloney Gets Answer on Adminstration’s Support for Birth Control

It took more than a year and was done in such a way as to garner as little attention as possible, but President Bush finally gave a clear answer to a simple question ... does he favor birth control? Rep. Carolyn Maloney asked that question, along with Congressional colleagues, and reporters in the White House Press Corps, and our friends at Birth Control Watch, for more than one year. The response?