The Hyde Amendment killed Rosie Jiménez. She died thirty years ago today, and we remember her because she has become a symbol of all women and girls everywhere who are denied their human right to safe, legal, funded, and accessible abortion care.
The law prevailed yesterday in Aurora, IL as city officials confirmed a temporary occupancy permit for the the new clinic. Though the clinic opened today anti-choicers have made one last effort to close it.
It's time to set the record straight about some of the myths spread by conservative activists who masquerade their contempt for women as concern for fetal rights.
Both the reproductive health and the environmental justice communities operate in a political climate in which the integrity of science is under attack.
Anti-contraception advocates have successfully confused emergency contraception and abortion. A bill drafted by Senators Patty Murray, Hillary Clinton, and Louise Slaughter would help clear up the misperception.
Yoga can help people living with HIV live healthier lives, but it certainly can't prevent new infections, much as Indian religious leaders may want it to.