A preventable, treatable injury sustained in childbirth, fistula is a “canary in the coal mine” — an indicator of failing health systems and an indicator of places where civil societies are deeply failing women and girls.
Obstetric fistula is not just a women's issue, and not just about the developing world. It is about our inability to prioritize people's lives and about legislation that restricts funding based on political battles. And it reflects a sense of complacency towards striving for social equality and progress.
Sexuality confronts and challenges cherished notions of culture. And hence sexuality outside marriage is not recognized, sexuality of women is not seen as existing, sexual choices other than of the heterosexual variety are criminalized and transgender people marginalized.
Discussing RU-486 with Kimi Faxon Hemingway, abstinence and anorexia, the business of being born and women that are made of cardboard. Also: Is Nellie McKay flirting with you?
Do you need to have a sit down about sex with someone that you love? Is that person your mom, dad or even a grandparent? The reality is that the changing face of "seniors" means a lot more sexually active older adults. We need to start talking to the old and the young about the birds and the bees.
Motherhood is not fundamental to women. But even childless women have a stake in childbirth being safe because it's such a strong indicator of the value a society places on women.
While Will Okun — and a lot of other well-meaning folks — see young motherhood as “tragic” and “irresponsible,” for working-class teenage mothers it is often a considerable accomplishment.