America Wins in New Hampshire

Two winners in the first two contests, one from each party, have used abortion to rally their base. But progressives who stand on principle, and don't cower in fear, can win the sexual and reproductive health debate by framing abortion properly.

Let’s Really Talk About Sex

My problem with the sex education I received had little to do with content, which was fairly comprehensive, and more to do with the delivery. Sex was presented as something shameful and embarrassing, more of an awkward chore than an essential component of a young person's education.

The Way Sex Ed Should Be

Though I was the recipient of a helpful and informative sexuality education program, the abstinence-only elements of the curriculum were misleading and regressive.

Toxic Pollution Reporting Weakened

When does saving multibillion dollar companies a few bucks supersede the public's right to know about toxic emissions? The EPA, with a kick in the pants from the president's budget office, thinks it knows -- and it's now.

Vote Now: Sex Monsters and Sex Ed!

Young people from around the country reveal themselves on video, opening up about sexuality education in their schools, how and what they learned about sex and most importantly - what they're not learning. Vote for your favorite videos in our Fresh Focus: Sex Ed Digital Video Contest!

New Hampshire to Reveal Political Truths

A cathartic moment in American politics is at hand, if candidates choose to believe the best about themselves and America, and move forward with a healthy debate about our future. There is no need for this debate to end unless base instincts pull us down.