Long “Roe” to Hoe

Should the 2008 election result in a Democratic President and Congress, advocates need to insist on much more we have asked for before -- bottom-line commitments must be made not only by presidential candidates but by Congressional ones.

Bill Frees Up Funds for Abortion “Alternatives”

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has authored a new bill that would specifically authorize states to use Temporary Assistance to Needy Family (TANF) funds to provide "alternative-to-abortion" services. But abortion rights advocates say the measure would funnel money to anti-abortion advocacy groups.

Promoting Amie

Rewire likes to celebrate successes, and one of our biggest is Amie Newman. Today, she becomes Managing Editor of Rewire!

Show Me the Pattern: Missouri’s Abortion Ban

NARAL Pro-Choice America's newest report finds anti-choice groups and their allies are setting the stage in Missouri, with Governor Blunt at the helm, for a calculated attack on Roe v. Wade and reproductive rights. Voters across the nation should be concerned.

Indoctrination? Not My Women’s Studies Class

College is not just a boot camp you attend for four years so you can accumulate credits and do everything in your power to maintain an A average. My Women's Studies courses answered my questions about life - and not just any life, my life.

Business As Usual in Kenya?

The political crisis in Kenya is deeply affecting women -- the number of rape survivors seeking treatment has doubled in a Nairobi hospital -- but business as usual in Kenya before the crisis wasn't good for women, either.

Democrats Talk Tough on Iraq, Economy

The Democratic debate in Las Vegas tonight evinced remarkable consensus and civility among the three Democratic candidates, and fighting words towards the current Administration and the American political status quo.