We Don’t Have To Take It

You don't have to take the 30 day sex challenge, and you don't have to put up with the sex-phobic nonsense, and you don't have to care what Glenn Beck thinks about your pretty face. Amanda explains why, and also interviews one of the finalists for the Fresh Focus sex ed video contest. But you do have to save your hymen for Jesus.

Need Abortion, Will Travel

Many pregnant women and girls are virtually forced to become abortion tourists. Though the term is often used in sexist and disparaging ways, what it really reveals is that women's reproductive health needs are being ignored.

HPV Vaccine Access Should Be Unrestricted

A new study has found that administering the HPV vaccine based on a woman's risk factors could prevent access for the vast majority of eligible women. The study supports a federal recommendation that all females ages 11 to 26 should get the vaccine.