Rev. Jeremiah Wright's comments about the government spreading AIDS cannot be considered in isolation any more than the disease itself can be. Congress and the White House are contributing to those theories by failing to act on the evidence they have in hand now on PEPFAR.
Ethiopia has changed its law to expand the indications for legal abortion. While the global gag rule does not allow the U.S. to interfere in the sovereign affairs of another nation, the U.S. has nonetheless attempted to impose its own views on abortion on this government-led legal reform process.
Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) and 76 lawmakers have sent House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey a letter requesting that funding for failed abstinence-only sexual education programs be left out of this year’s Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Bill.
Last week's revelation by the CDC that one-quarter of teen-age girls have at least one sexually transmitted disease came as no surprise to Michigan health providers, who say such an epidemic is the fruit of a widespread failure to teach teens about sex.
Until Americans, and our media, stop insisting that our male leaders be a manly and upright family fellow with a docile wife who gazes at him adoringly, we shouldn't be surprised when that spouse remains devoted in the face of infidelity.
Alabama posts staggeringly high rates of teen births, STD cases, and new HIV infections. With money surging into Alabama to support abstinence-only programs, and health outcomes so negative, something doesn't add up.
PEPFAR includes a huge amount of money with a burdensome and ideological list of "do's" and "don'ts." Haven't we seen this before? Read this latest post in our International Women's Health Salon.
Out of many examples of anti-choicers' deeply cynical willingness to pretend to embrace any cause in the fight against women's rights, the ugliest might be the fake concern for racial equality.
While not one national anti-choice organization supports contraception or science-based sexuality education, some individuals who oppose legal abortion are making the connections on their own: birth control and education reduce the rate of unintended pregnancy and abortions.