“Egg-as-Person” Backers Call Out Conservative Wimps

Proponents of Colorado's "egg as a person" initiative have just one month left to submit petitions to the Colorado secretary of state to certify the measure for the Nov. 4 ballot. Now, in the frenzy of the signature-gathering push the campaign is taking a decidedly more aggressive tone -- toward its own.

Do Not Ignore The Urgent, Burning Sensation

Over-the-counter painkillers for urinary tract infections provide instant relief to thousands of women. But a recent study shows that an alarmingly high rate of women do not seek out proper medical attention and prescription medication after their painful symptoms are gone.

License to Lie

Popular "Choose Life" license plates raise millions for crisis pregnancy centers and other anti-choice organizations. And in Florida, the funds can only be given to women who are willing to give their children up for adoption.