A congressional hearing Wednesday by the House oversight committee that promised to "assess the evidence" on abstinence-only demonstrated that social conservatives still shape the public debate on sexuality education.
Amanda is on vacation but here is one of our favorite episodes of RealityCast for your listening pleasure. She'll be back next Monday with a brand new episode for you! This episode, in which Amanda shoots straight on the Larry Craig debacle, takes on purity balls and covers the rise of the religious right in Texas originally aired on 9/10/07.
When authorities removed 413 children in danger of sexual abuse from the Yearning for Zion ranch this month, it became clear that here in the US, child marriage is a result of brainwashing and indoctrination.
The "coerced abortion" bill Missouri's House just passed devalues the women's intelligence and women's ability to make decisions about their own medical care.
The cost of ensuring that women and their partners enjoy the benefits of female condoms greatly exceeds current commitments, but the price of inaction, paid in lost or debilitated lives, is many times more costly.
New legislation passed in Oklahoma mandates ultrasounds for all women seeking abortion, forces women to view the ultrasound and requires doctors to recite a script describing the ultrasound.
On Wednesday, for the first time, a Congressional committee heard public health experts and young people testify about the effects of abstinence-only programs.
On April 4, the Constitutional Court of Chile banned the free distribution of emergency contraception. The reason: the Court claims this method is "abortive," despite unequivocal World Health Organization information to the contrary.