You Asked, We Answered: AMA With Jess and Imani! Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo In the final summer episode, we answer listener questions.
What’s Up With the New Title IX Rule? Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Summer session continues on with special guest Chris Geidner, aka the "ultimate law dork."
Putting Originalism Through the Wood Chipper With Madiba Dennie Jessica Mason Pieklo & Imani Gandy Conservatives have been using originalism as a tool to undermine social and civil progress.
How to Have More Fun in Repro Politics With Special Guest Lizz Winstead Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo The founder of Abortion Access Front joins Jess and Imani in the first of four summer episodes.
Just Decide the EMTALA Case Already, You Cowards Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo The Supreme Court punted its decision in the combined Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States.
What Actually Happened With the Mifepristone Ruling Jessica Mason Pieklo & Imani Gandy We're setting the record straight.
Adoption, Abortion, and the Politics of Parenting Jessica Mason Pieklo & Imani Gandy "The idea that women are choosing between abortion and adoption is not borne out by the data at all."
Justice Alito’s Flagrant Freaky Flag Misconduct Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo "Everything about this story stinks."
What the Hell Is Abortion Trafficking Anyway? Jessica Mason Pieklo & Imani Gandy Idaho, settle down please. You're doing too much.
SCOTUS Signals It Might Slam the Door Shut on Pregnant ER Patients Imani Gandy & Jessica Mason Pieklo Unsurprisingly, the conservative justices seem definitely on board.