Sunsara Taylor

Sunsara Taylor is a writer for Revolution Newspaper (, a host on WBAI’s Equal Time for Freethought, and sits on the Advisory Board of World Can’t Wait. She has written on the rise of theocracy, wars and repression in the U.S., led in building resistance to these crimes, and contributed to the movement for revolution to put an end to all this. She takes as her foundation the new synthesis on revolution and communism developed by Bob Avakian. You can find her impressive verbal battles with Bill O’Reilly and various political commentary on things from abortion to religion to cultural relativism by searching “Sunsara Taylor” on youtube. Follow her on twitter @sunsarataylor, friend her on facebook, and add to your blogroll.

The Horror of 160 Million Missing Girls – and Of the Attacks on Abortion Rights An answer to Ross Douthat

On June 26, the New York Times ran an op-ed from Ross Douthat which highlighted the horror of there being 160 million girls missing in the world today, largely owing to sex-selective abortions.  However, rather than indicting this as a horrible outgrowth of deeply entrenched male-supremacy and patriarchy, Douthat places the blame for this on women’s right to abortion and the few hard-won advances that have been made in some spheres for some women.  As such, he ends up arguing for the very male supremacy and traditional values that lead to this kind of thing in the first place.