Stephanie Gilmore
Stephanie Gilmore, PhD, is an antiracist feminist activist and writer, born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. She specializes in the intersection of grassroots activism, feminism, and social justice. She speaks on college campuses about sexual violence, rape culture, and student activism. She currently serves as coalition liaison for ARRA and a board member of the Alabama ACLU. In April 2013, she was honored as a “Feminist We Love” by The Feminist Wire. Her work has appeared at Ms., Racialicious, Scenarios, and On the Issues. Her books include Feminist Coalitions: Historical Perspectives on Second-Wave Feminism in the United States and Groundswell: Grassroots Feminist Activism in Postwar America. Her website highlights her current work around rape and sexual violence on college campuses and links to other writing as well.