Sarah Martino


Sarah Martino serves on the Board of Directors of Students Active for Ending Rape, a nonprofit organization committed to empowering students to hold their universities accountable for having strong campus sexual assault policies and programming. She graduated from Bard College in 2007 with a degree in Literature and Creative Writing and currently works in philanthropy. She blogs for Change Happens, SAFER’s blog, at

A “Culture of Indifference”: The Urgent Need for Better Sexual Assault Policies and Practices on U.S. Campuses

For the past twenty years, experts on sexual assault, victims’ advocates, and students and their parents have repeatedly called on colleges and universities to take rape seriously and live up to the standards that, beginning with 1990’s Campus Security Act, have been outlined in Federal law. And for the past 20 years most schools have not been paying attention.  This "culture of indifference" must change.