Progo35 I am a very passionate person and am interested in music, cats, philosophy, and justice issues.
Futile Care Theory Strikes Again-What will the Pro Choice and Pro Life Communities Do About It? Progo35 Futile Care cases continue to haunt paitents and their families. Will members of the pro choice and pro life communities work together to stop this?
“Biological Colonialism” Progo35 I thought people on RH would like to see this story about the FDA outsourcing drug trials to other countries and comment:
Futile Care Laws: Anti Choice, Anti Life Progo35 this article considers the simutaneously anti choice and anti life aspects of futile care impositions on patients and families.
What does it mean to be an Unplanned Person? Progo35 In this entry I will consider my exerperience as an unplanned person in the midst of a planned-child culture.